The exclusive Supermicellar Fogging System inside the POSS machine uses the principle of generating of ultra fine and accurately controlled size microdroplets, at ambient temperature, by ultrasonic vibration (1.6MHz) and from which only the ultrafine droplets are created and ejected outside the equipment using a specially designed internal fan mechanism. The droplet size range created is 1-3 microns.
This technology allows the great advantage of being able to position the POSS machine either inside the space to be decontaminated, or outside and to transfer the fog through pipes into the space without any issues normally associated with non-vapour generating systems.#poss#airsurdis#EN17272#airbornesurfacedisinfection#contaminationcontrole#cleanroom#technology
This technology allows the great advantage of being able to position the POSS machine either inside the space to be decontaminated, or outside and to transfer the fog through pipes into the space without any issues normally associated with non-vapour generating systems.#poss #airsurdis #EN17272 #airbornesurfacedisinfection #contaminationcontrole #cleanroom #technology